Sistine_Chapel_CensoredIt’s OFFICIAL! Fanny is more popular than shopping, news AND social networking sites! According to new stats obtained by SimilarWeb, internet traffic to legal porn sites in the UK  made up 8.5% of all online ‘clicks’ in June.  In fact, even if you combine all the social networking sites’ clicks together, adult sites STILL rank higher in the Great British public’s popularity scale!

Of course this data has been released amidst the recent #PornPanic unleashed by David Cameron last week.  Within 18 months anyone who wants to view online pornography  will have to ‘opt in’ or indeed out of access to adult sites.  I’ll be honest, as Britain’s favourite Porn Poppet, my popularity comes as no great surprise to me!   Social networking has been going for all of a decade, pornography has been proving its popularity for thousands of years.

‘Fanny more popular than shopping! It’s OFFICIAL!’

The anti-porn policy is, in my qualified opinion (remember I have a Phd in Pussy) a load of balls! and I for one don’t want David Cameron’s ‘firm hand’ anywhere near me or my porn!  Even the experts have criticised the policy as ‘ineffective’ and  I will be supporting the campaign for Fanny’s Army’s right to uncensored access to perfectly LEGAL porn sites!

Sexual expression is a perfectly healthy part of human nature and evidence supports that societies with liberal sexual attitudes thrive.  What’s next? Banning Page 3!?!? We won’t have it I tell you! In fact! I plan to start my very own anti-government protest right now and I

invite you all to join me, with an afternoon of browsing and self-pleasure, have that Cameron! They’ll take my porn when they pry the keyboard from my warm sticky hand!

 Even he PM’s own high profile advisor, Jimmy Wales has branded the idea ridiculous and has even gone as far to say ‘the filters will fail.’ See his full opinion here http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/aug/02/jimmy-wales-cameron-porn-filters?INTCMP=SRCH

Oh and just an interesting little added note, the data also revealed that the Germans are bigger w*nkers than us Brits with a whopping 12.5% of clicks going to adult sites *sniggers*

If you want to help support the campaign sign the e-petition here http://t.co/NEHYv2698c and don’t forget to follow @PornPanic on Twitter and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SexAndCensorship?fref=ts

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