Porn site offers free Google Cardboard


A VR-focused porn site is handing out free Google Cardboard headsets and they’re good for more than just porn too!

Google first introduced Cardboard at Google I/O in 2014, and at first it seemed like a bit of a joke. You fold up this piece of cardboard and strap your phone in, then hold it up to your face and you’ve got a makeshift VR headset. The idea took off and developers started making apps that took advantage of Cardboard. It makes sense when you think about it — your phone has a high-resolution screen, orientation sensors, powerful video processing, and everything else you need for a simple VR experience.

The company running this free cardboard promo makes porn that runs on various VR platforms like Cardboard, GearVR, and Oculus Rift. The cheapest way to expand its customer base is to hand out a few pounds worth of cardboard. You are not required to use them for VR porn, though. The site handling the giveaway is separate from the company’s actual porn site, so the page is completely safe for work. You don’t need to hand over a credit card either — shipping is free too.

The free Cardboard promotion has proven very popular so far. Tens of thousands have been claimed, and that means there’s a bit of a wait. If you sign up now, you’ll get your Cardboard kit in a few weeks.


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