Male orgasm



Dear Fanny, I’ve heard it is possible for men to achieve multiple orgasms, is this true and if so how do I do it?



The simple answer to that Gary is yes, yes they can.  Many people immediately associate a male orgasm with ejaculation.  Though it is possible to achieve the heightened pleasure of an actual orgasm without ‘blowing your load’ as it were.

‘How!?’ I hear you ask.  Well there are different theories, as always.  Some suggest Meditation, Tantric practice, being in tune with your body and mind, remain relaxed/calm and focus on eroticsm…

There is no doubt that being able to achieve this glorious feat will require a lot of mental control/stimulation, but more important than that is one little thing us ladies swear by and I won’t deny it brings me great pleasure to preach it to you lads….kegel exercises.

Yes the pelvic floor muscles, you know when you reeeally need to pee and clench to stop the flow?  Bingo, you’ve just exercised your kegels. The kegel muscles (pubococcygeus muscle being the main one, if you wanna get technical)  run from the tailbone to the base of your pubic bone.

Exercising and mastering total control of that little cluster of muscles will deliver you no end of pleasure.  The recommended minimum kegel exercises for men wishing to achieve multiple pleasures are: 3 sets of 20 ‘clenches’, so 60 in total, spread out over a day (you don’t want to strain anything), 3 days a week.

In a nutshell, those muscles control the flow of ejaculate, your ultimate goal is to be able to controll that flow.  When you feel your release starting…clench your kegal, stop the flow, but still experience the mental orgasm.  How many times you manage to achieve this before actually releasing the goods depends solely on you and how much you have managed to master the skill.

I won’t lie it will take A LOT of patience and even more practice, but I’m sure you’ll find the multiple rewards are more than worth the effort.  Best of luck!

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